Is it possible for Max to realize his sin in hell? If he does, would God save him? It seems easy to justify hell for someone who is too prideful to ask for mercy, but what if Max did ask for mercy? I am thinking of the rich man from the parable you discussed in part 1 (Luke16:19-31): "Father Abraham," he cries, "have mercy on me" (v. 24), but "none may cross over from [hell] to [heaven]" (v. 26). Then, in a moment of compassion, the rich man says "then I beg you, father, . . . warn [my] brothers, so that they will not also come to this place of torment" (v. 28). It seems easy to justify hell for someone who shows aggression to those around him, but what if Max was compassionate? Can a loving God refuse to help someone who asks for mercy for himself and others?

I have faith the Logos—the Word—and the Spirit of Truth will show you good answers that you can give to me. His will be done, always! I think these articles were excellent. God Bless you, Anurav.

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